Oddo’s Angle: Stability Ball Wall Squat March 26, 2013March 27, 2013Articles, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trainer Kim Oddo and NPC Bikini competitor Jennifer Dominguez demonstrate Stability Ball Wall Squats for the glutes, hamstrings and quads
August 28, 20212021 NPC Total Body Championships Contest PhotosCheck out the contest photos from the 2021Â NPC Total Body Championships! Click here to see the galleries.
May 9, 20172017 NPC Pittsburgh Championships Overall Men’s Classic Physique Winner Greg Scampone2017 NPC Pittsburgh Championships Overall Men’s Classic Physique Winner Greg Scampone  interviewed by IFBB Bikini Pro Angelica Teixeira for NPCNEWSONLINE.com
November 17, 20182018 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding Overall Winner Hunter Labrada Interview.2018 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding Overall Winner Hunter Labrada Interview.
January 3, 2018IFBB Classic Physique Pro Lee Banks Preps for the 2018 Arnold Classic With Travales Blount VideoLee Banks an IFBB Classic Physique Pro Preps for the 2018 Arnold Classic, Columbus at Florida Extreme Fitness Center in …