By J.M. Manion Exclusively For NPC News Online and powered by the IFBB Professional League on the NPC News Online YouTube Channel, and
2021 #RoadToTheOlympia with 2021 IFBB Tahoe Show Pro Wellness 2nd Place Taty Vaillant @tatyvaillant #exclusively @npcphotogymofficial in Pittsburgh 17 days before she competes in the inaugural @mrolympiallc Wellness.
In this interview by J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm and Etila Santiago @etila they discuss Taty’s @ifbbproleaguewellness debut at the #ifbbtahoeshowpro where she placed 2nd to secure 1 of 4 remaining qualifications for the Olympia. Moving from Brazil to Florida and only working with a new coach for 22 days prior to the contest, Taty reveals that Tahoe was just a chance to see where she fit in. Watch the whole interview to find out how these plans came about in addition to the plans after she earned the #olympiaqualification plus much more.
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