Ask a Pro: Jenny Worth IFBB Fitness Pro – “Reinvented and Better Than Ever”

Jenny Worth IFBB Fitness Pro  – “Reinvented and Better Than Ever’

Jenny Worth IFBB Fitness Pro is no stranger to the NPC/IFBB stage and Fitness Industry.  With an impressive competitive record spanning from 1996-2003,  Jenny Worth accomplished a level of fitness and was awarded titles that most athletes only dream of.
What’s most impressive about this accomplished athlete, business woman, and single mother, is her humility, heart of gold, and will to succeed both on and off the stage.  In 2010, she began her Southern California journey with her beloved son, Dominic, leaving behind her family and professional network, which required a great deal of faith and the acceptance that she’d have to shift her focus from athlete to full time trainer.
As most competitive athletes who have made this professional shift, they discover quickly that turning a passion into a primary means of income is an entirely new challenge that not many can handle.   Adding a new geographical landscape to the existing learning curve of the business of personal training in the competitive Los Angeles marketplace was something Jenny was determined to master.
Jenny’s work ethic combined with her incredible physical and mental strength makes her perfectly suited to train both the experienced and novice male athletes in the quickly growing category of men’s physique. Team ‘Worth It’ has quickly grown from  1 competitor in 1 category, to now more than 9 members spreading accross 6 different categories  with two members who recently earned their Pro Cards at the Pittsburgh 2013 Nationals (Ronald Alexander, IFBB Pro and  Critelli Scatonlini, IFBB Pro).  At the USA National Competition in Las Vegas, July 26-28 2013, 3 of her team members finished Top 6 in their respective divisions  (Jovann Rushing, Randall Pitch, and Johnny Walker)
Those who don’t know Jenny Worth often ask her ‘shredded’ male clients in disbelief the following question; ‘Your trainer is a girl?’  The response is generally, ‘Yes, and she broke me down on my first session.  I never trained that hard before.’
“Guys come to me because they feel that somehow I won’t be as hard on them as a male trainer, when in fact, I’ve been told by many of them afterwards that I’m worse…” Exclusive Interview NPC News Online.
Jennifer Worth has been breaking through glass ceilings since becoming the youngest competitor at 17 years of age, and this new endeavor proves to be no different!  She continues to fully invest her heart and soul into her athletes vowing to support them in accomplishing their goals and encourages them to dream BIG!
“One thing that sets Jenny apart from other trainers I interviewed before choosing Team Worth it, is the fact that Jenny has actually grown through the process since the age of 17.  Her techniques, meal plans, workout plans and everything that it takes to become a successful competitor, comes naturally to her. This is an accumulation of over 15 years of experience and personal lifestyle you’re getting”, said Terry Placker (Client, trainer, and active duty US Marine on the hunt for a Pro Card in the Men’s Physique Division).
Great things are on the horizon for this Amazing Woman and Team ‘Worth It’!  Jenny Worth, the ‘Fitness Legend’, is back and better than ever!  She is the full package with decades of hard work and experience under her belt.  Jenny is eternally committed to share her expertise and love for the sport that has made her the ‘Pro’ she is.
To keep up with this “Fitness Legend” follow her on instagram (#WorthItFitness) or become a fan on Facebook (

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